
Keynote: Where the Money Is

Cindy Gallop closed out The 3% Conference with a rousing call-to-arms: Achieve true gender equality by ending sexual harassment.

by Shameka Brown Barbosa


Keynote: Inclusion and Acceptance

Billy Bean—the only openly gay Major League Baseball player alive today—has a message for us all about the costs of hiding who you are & who you love.

by Christina Melander


Keynote: Life is a Playground

Kyle Cease opened Day 2 of The 3% Conference with a keynote aimed to have the audience rethink everything and everyone in their orbit...for better.

by Becky Brinkerhoff


Keynote: The Many Faces of Privilege

Beyond Gender emcee, Luvvie Ajayi, leads a spellbinding Privilege Walk to kick off Day 1 of the 2017 3% Conference.

by Christina Melander


Keynote: The Many Faces of Privilege

Let’s kick off our BEYOND GENDER theme by considering one of the most misunderstood words today: “privilege.” Defining it fully can be a defining moment.