Fishbowl to Highlight Agencies Committing to Equal Pay

June 5, 2019

When it comes to pay equity in advertising, Are We There Yet?

We are not. Not even close. But in the wake of #MeToo, Time’s Up and a slew of other social, political and cultural movements, the time to get on the board and move swiftly toward pay equity is now.

Why? Here are a few important takeaways from our research:

Most companies extol their purpose, values and culture; pay equity provides a tangible way to put action against words and intentions.   

Like it or not, transparency is the new norm. Millennials and Gen Z are radically open about how much they make and they are changing long-standing workplace rules and etiquette. Transparency is here as a powerful force, with the potential to create trust and goodwill or serve as destructive force, depending on the realities of your culture.
Wage equity is an important way to live company values, paying powerful dividends in employee trust, loyalty and engagement. On the other hand, pay inequality -- or even its perception -- takes a heavy toll on your talent’s engagement and loyalty. There is also evidence that pay disparity has a direct impact on a company’s recruitment and ability to attract and retain clients.

State pay equity laws are lifting all boats. One state’s pay equity laws impact others states because companies see the writing on the wall, feeling compelled to act. One state doing something gives others the push they may need to get there.

Last November, The 3% Movement, in partnership with 17 founding agencies, launched the 3% Pledge for Pay Equity. Another six agencies joined in the first months of 2019.

This month, 3% is thrilled to announce we have teamed up with Fishbowl to advance pay equity in the advertising community by amplifying the 3% Pledge for Pay Equity, raising awareness of 3% Pledge agencies and their diversity-forward initiatives, and inviting more agencies to join their ranks.

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And on June 11, 3% Founder and CEO, Kat Gordon, will join Fishbowl for a Q&A for what is sure to be a memorable, wide-ranging discussion about pay equity, diversity and creativity in advertising, and much more.

Pay equity is one of the most urgent culture and business imperatives for any agency in the industry. We invite you to read more about the insights and findings from Are We There Yet? The Road to Pay Equity in Advertising, a collaborative project of the 3% Pledge for Pay Equity agencies -- and to join us on the road to pay equity in advertising.
