Sponsor The 3% Movement

3% Sponsorship isn’t just about having a presence at our event, it’s about being a co-champion of change that will long outlast any one event. Being a 3% Sponsor isn’t just an investment in the 3% Movement, it’s an investment in the future of creativity—and what’s possible when we build our businesses, brands, and working experience for belonging.

How 3% Sponsorship is unique

The 3% Movement explores the upside of making creative businesses more inclusive, representative—and yes, more gender-equal. 

We don’t do business as usual:

We’re creative and collaborative. From online activations to in-person experiences, our team will partner with sponsors to create custom engagements that celebrate your business and your important place in the 3% conversation. Previous partnerships include AARP’s full #disruptaging campaign integration and Adobe’s career-launching student scholarship. We listen, co-create, and execute impressively to leave a lasting impression on our community. We’re proud that in our ten years, virtually all major ad agencies and many top brands have returned to sponsor us, time after time.

We’re all about real results. Our speaker lineups were impressive, but we’re not just here to talk. We’re here to celebrate diverse leadership (Next Creative Leaders), give our community their marching orders (our 100Things Microactions list and 3% Academy), and create accountability (our Creative Entrepreneur in Residence program). We’re proud to be an example of a movement that not only brings big inspiration, but offers real, meaningful action items to ignite measurable and sustainable change, long after the retirement of our conference model.

Engage thousands of top creative minds 

We’re inclusive, accessible and AWESOME. Our in-person events had a history of selling out and gaining impressive exit survey ratings. 92% of attendees rated our conference “Good” or “Excellent” and 88% indicated they would recommend 3% to a friend or colleague. Our collaborator searches are deliberate, and we actively foster a sense of belonging throughout our community - onstage and off.

We’re attracting your target audience. We draw an impressively diverse audience—with 49% of our attendees reporting as non-white persons of color (17% Asian; 14% Black; 12% Hispanic/Latinx; > 1% American Indian; >1% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander). Also, our ongoing partnership with Adobe has allowed us to engage with the future of creativity on a whole new level, hosting a true cross section of creative hopefuls. Students from art schools, HCBUs, Ivy Leagues, and state schools joined us for the 3% Conference in 2020.

We’re pandemic-proof and consistent. 2020 was a big lesson for us in pivoting quickly in order to be of service to our community during a truly challenging time. Throughout our first decade, we have evolved our vision for 3% events—and we invite our sponsors to join us every step of the way. 

Ready to co-create the perfect sponsorship?

Download our current sponsorship packet or contact admin@3percentconf.com to set up a call about custom sponsorship today.