The 7th Annual 3% Conference

November 8-9, 2018 • Chicago, IL


#Unfiltered You

Sponsored by Facebook/Instagram

Thu Nov 8, 2018


Navy Pier

Room 324

Some women are told they're too much — too loud, too opinionated, taking up too much space. Meanwhile, others are told they're not enough — too quiet, too calm, too small. For both types of women (and the women who have heard both), life becomes about learning to shape-shift, to grow and shrink according to the nebulous demands of the world they operate in. On this panel we'll bring together a group of creative women to discuss this constant need to filter who we are and ask the question, how we can be more authentically ourselves in our work and workplace?


Maud Deitch

Creative Lead


Joyce Chen

Head of Production


Yahkeema Moffitt



Lauren Rodwell

Brand Manager


Bekah Sirrine

Executive Creative Director
